BOOK STRUCTURE 1. Solved Papers from 2023-2018 2. Entire Syllabus in 4 major sections 3. Practice Sets BOOK KEY FEATURES 1. Complete Study Guide for class 9th students 2. Covers syllabus of 4 major subjects, i.e., English, Hindi, General Science & Mathematics 3. Solved Papers (2022-2018) to get acquainted with the exam pattern 4. Self-assess your preparation with Practice Sets WHY THIS BOOK? 1. The present edition of the book has been revised for class 9 th students. 2. All-important chapters are covered in a lucid manner in each subject. 3. Solved Papers (2023-2018) make you exam ready by analyzing the Previous paper pattern. 4. A perfect source to Study systematically and Practice SetsQuestions rigorously. TABLE OF CONTENT: Solved Papers (2023-2018), English, Hindi, General Science, Mathematics, Practice Sets