The Mouse Island Marathon is a series created by Elisabetta Dami. The Mouse Island Marathon: 30 (Geronimo Stilton) is the 30th comic book in The Mouse Island Marathon Series. Geronimo Stilton, the main character of this series, is a mouse who is the editor of The Rodent's Gazette in a place called New Mouse Island.In the 30th book of this comic series, Geronimo the mouse goes on for another adventure where he gets to participate in a Marathon race due to some circumstances. This story in the 30th book revolves round Geronimo's participation in the race and how his family and friends help him to take part in the race.This series of The Mouse Island Marathon is dedicated towards every kid who loves adventure and fun in a comic form. The lively art and colorful pages makes it all the more exciting for the kids aged between 7 and 10. The 1st edition of Mouse Island Marathon: 30 (Geronimo Stilton) was published in 2007 by Scholastic Incorporated and is available in paperback. Key Features: The book is written in simple language that is easy-to-read for the kids. The colorful lively art also adds to the interest of the kids in reading the books. The series is available throughout the world in different languages.